hard number puzzle with answer
2+9=711 14+6=820 17+11=628 12+3=??? This number puzzle can be really hard. Look at the picture and numbers and try to answer it correctly. Is the number pattern obvious at first sight?

hard math riddle for geniuses
This one is really tough. Are you the expert to solve this math puzzle with dinosaur & pterodactyl? If this is true, please comment below and give us your answer!

number in the sequence
could you find the next number in the sequence? Have a look at the picture and decide the correct answer for this puzzle. Share it below, thanks :)

Math sequence puzzle (easy)
Solve this math puzzle. Not only geniuses can solve this one. Answer can be found in a minute. Please share your answer to this math sequence puzzle

Equotions 1
Solve both equotions to use the results on final fractions' sum.