Can you solve this?

90% of the people answer wrong!

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How many people like this? 140 solved this


Math for geniuses

If you like our puzzles, you know what we're talking about. Take the chance and get the answer!

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How many people like this? 210 solved this


riddle with answer

This is a quadratic equation puzzle with an animal. Can you solve it? There might be more correct answers! Please share in comments if this was easy or hard.

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How many people like this? 51 solved this



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How many people like this? 8 solved this


Coffee & Drink Puzzle

Coffee and drink puzzle looks easy. However, can you solve this one? Please have a try and share your answers in the Comments section.

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How many people like this? 107 solved this



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How many people like this? 99 solved this


Hard math puzzle for geniuses

Maths puzzle with octopus, seastar and fish. How smart are you? Are you able to solve this task?

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How many people like this? 277 solved this


Hard math puzzle for geniuses

Animal puzzle just waiting for you! Giraffe, zebra and sheep - find the numbers instead of pictures. Remember the equations should match.

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How many people like this? 166 solved this


Number series puzzle

There are five number series puzzles on the picture. Each series continues with some number (replace the question mark with your number).

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How many people like this? 80 solved this


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